Help Centre | My booking

What is your cancellation policy?

Your entitlement to cancel, extend or make other changes to your booking will depend on the reservation type that you selected, as set out below.

Non-refundable bookings

Non-refundable bookings are offered at a reduced rate, but this is on a ‘no-cancellation’ and ‘no-amendment’ basis. Accordingly, no extensions or amendments are permitted.  No refund will be made in the event of cancellation of a non-refundable booking and you will be charged the full amount of the booking.

Fully refundable bookings

If you wish to amend any detail of your confirmed booking we will endeavour to make the change, which may result in an increase in rate depending on the date and length of stay, however we cannot guarantee that we accommodate any changes requested. All changes of date, location and length of stay are subject to availability and rate change at the then applicable rates. All requests for changes must be made to us in writing. Should any change be rejected, the original booking will be re-instated. Name changes or child age changes will not incur any charges or administration fee. 

If you wish to extend a stay please give us as much notice as possible in order to facilitate your request. All extensions are subject to availability and rate change at the then applicable rates. We will notify you as to whether we are able to fulfil your extension request and where notice to extend a stay has been given, we reserve the right to take all additional payments and charges from any credit/debit card used to make the original booking, or an invoice for the extended period will be sent to your billing address and payment must be received prior to the extension commencing.       

Subject always to the above regarding amendments being subject to availability and rate change at the then applicable rates, fully refundable bookings can be cancelled, or amended (including extended) subject to the following:

(i)    Cancellations and Amendments Prior to Check-in

Length of stay     

Notice Period (prior to arrival)     

Cancellation/Amendment Charge

1-6 nights           

24 hours                                  

No charge if cancelled or amended by 13.00 on the day prior to check-in of the first day for the booking.  In the event of an amendment, a no-show or a cancellation later than 13.00 on the day prior to check-in of the first day of the booking, you will be charged the costs of the entire stay.

7-28 nights          

24 hours                                  

No charge if cancelled or amended by 13.00 on the day prior to check-in of the first day of the booking.  In the event of an amendment, a no-show or a cancellation later than 13.00 on the day prior to check-in of the first day of the booking, you will be charged the costs of the first seven nights’ stay (or in the event of an amendment, if longer, the cost of the entire amended stay).

29+ nights          

7 days                                     

No charge if cancelled or amended by 13.00 on the day that is seven days prior to check-in of the first day of the booking.  In the event of an amendment, a no-show or a cancellation later than 13.00 on the day that is seven days’ prior to check-in of the first day of the booking, you will be charged the costs of the first seven nights’ stay (or in the event of an amendment, if longer, the cost of the entire amended stay).


In the case of a no show, apartments will be held until 01.00 on the day after the scheduled arrival, at which time your booking will be cancelled and the above cancellation charges will apply.

(ii) Amendments After Check-in

Once you have checked-in, amendments are not permitted other than to the check-out date. Subject always to the above regarding amendments which extend the check-out date being subject to availability and rate change at the then applicable rates, amendments to the check-out date are subject to the following:

Length of stay     

Notice Period (prior to check-out)     

Amendment Charge

1-6 nights           

24 hours                                  

No charge if amended by 13.00 on the day prior to the revised check-out date.  In the event that the amendment is later than 13.00 on the day prior to the revised check-out date, you will be charged the costs of the entire stay up to the original check-out date.

7-28 nights          

24 hours                                  

No charge if amended by 13.00 on the day prior to the revised check-out date.  In the event that the amendment is later than 13.00 on the day prior to the revised check-out date, you will be charged the lesser of (a) the costs payable under the remainder of the original booking and (b) the costs payable under the original booking for the seven nights immediately following the date of the amendment.

29+ nights          

7 days                                     

No charge if amended by 13.00 on the day seven days prior to the revised check-out date.  In the event that the amendment is later than 13.00 on the day seven days prior to the revised check-out date, you will be charged the lesser of (a) the costs payable under the remainder of the original booking and (b) the costs payable under the original booking for the seven nights immediately following the date of the amendment.

(iii) Cancellations and Amendments for Property Subject to Length of Stay Restrictions

Where a Property has a minimum and/or maximum length of stay requirement, changes to the check-in and/or check-out dates of the booking (whether made prior to, at or after check-in) will not be permitted to the extent that such amendment would result in the length of stay requirements being contravened.

Subject always to (i) the restrictions above on amendments that would contravene length of stay requirements and (ii) the restrictions on amendments after check-in, where a Property has a minimum length of stay requirement of at least 90 days, cancellations and/or any changes to the booking require not less than 28 days’ notice such that:

(a)    there will be no charge if the booking is cancelled or amended by 13.00 on the day that is 28 days prior to the applicable check-in date;
(b)    in the event of:
(i)     a no-show; or 
(ii)    a cancellation that is later than 13.00 on the day that is 28 days prior to check-in of the first day of the booking (but which is prior to check-in), you will be charged the costs payable under the booking of the first 28 nights of the stay;

(c)    in the case of an amendment that is later than 13.00 on the day that is 28 days’ prior to check-in of the first day of the booking (but which is prior to check-in), you will be charged the costs payable for the entire amended stay (noting that the amended stay cannot be for a shorter period than the minimum length of stay restrictions nor for a longer period than the maximum length of stay restrictions);
(d)    in the event, after check-in, of a change to the check-out date such that the revised check-out date is at least 28 days after the date of the amendment, you will be charged the costs of the entire amended stay (noting that the amended stay cannot be for a shorter period than the minimum length of stay restrictions nor for a longer period than the maximum length of stay restrictions);
(e)    in the event, after check-in, of a change to the check-out date such that the revised check-out date is fewer than 28 days after the date of the amendment, you will be charged the costs payable under the original booking for the 28 nights immediately following the amendment to the check-out date (noting that the amended stay cannot be for a shorter period than the minimum length of stay restrictions nor for a longer period than the maximum length of stay restrictions). 

Local Property Charges

Where bookings are cancelled and/or in the case of a no show, you will be entitled to a refund of any Local Property Charges which have already been paid for (or, as applicable, a partial refund where a booking is partially cancelled), if such Local Property Charges are payable only in the event of Guests fulfilling their booking.  We reserve the right to charge a reasonable administration fee and other costs incurred in connection with such refund.

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