Become a member
Save on every stay
Get at least 10% off your apartment stays for a day, a week, or a year.
Stay flexible
Pay later, and stay flexible with free cancellation for members.
All the perks
Early check-in and late check-out at select SACO properties.
Just fill in these details to become a member.
OFFER TERMS Year round
- Flat 10% discount on 1-6 night, 7-28 night and 29+ night Fully Flexible rates
- Must book using member code
- Valid at all SACO locations
- Discount is applied to the flexible rate only. What's flexible cancellation? You pay upfront but you can cancel your stay up to 24 hours in advance.
- Direct offer only, must book via www.sacoapartments.com
- Discount cannot be applied to existing bookings
- Subject to availability, restrictions may apply. Restrictions or minimum lengths of stay may apply at certain times of year.