Help Centre | Arrival and departure

What time is check in?

Our standard check-in time is 4pm at all SACO properties.

As most of our properties are unmanned, we are unable to provide early check in or late check out.

For SACO Holborn, early check-in is available from 2pm for an additional fee, subject to availability. Late check-out is at 1pm, also with an additional fee and subject to availability.

This can be added at time of reservation or during the online check-in once you receive the invitation. You can also add by selecting 'modify existing booking' through Live Chat. Please note, at least 24hrs notice is required.

To book, head to our Live Chat and connect to an agent.

How to check-in:
You'll receive details of how to check-in before you stay via email. If there's no reception on-site, you'll also be sent an access code for your apartment via email 72 hours before you arrive. 

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